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Freedom through
economic empowerment

The freedom to express yourself, to process your experiences, to own your creative work, and to turn your talent into a business that moves you forward.

Financial Resources

You deserve access to resources that help you thrive. MiCreate is a platform where survivor artists, inventors, performers, and creative people of all stripes can access free financial mentorship to shape their artistic and entrepreneurial journeys.

Self-Guided Learning & Tools

Economic empowerment is a weapon against human trafficking and a powerful feat in the process of healing after survival. Through economic empowerment, vulnerability diminishes and access to your right to freedom — of expression, of creativity, of ownership, of self — grows. 

Learn financial foundations such as banking, budgeting, and business planning with our Financial Knowledge Partner, Truist. Their Money and Mindset program connects you with interactive tools, self-guided resources, and the option to enroll in a free, small group virtual seminar for a community-based experience.

Picture of woman sitting at a table taking notes while learning on a laptop

Small Group Seminars

Group of people sitting at a table with laptops and materials having a discussion

MiCreate is a safe house — a destination — where survivors of human trafficking can use the tools of their art to process their experiences and translate them into an entrepreneurial enterprise. But you don’t have to do it alone. 

Foster connections with other survivor creatives and the business community around you by enrolling in a small group seminar geared at setting your business up for financial success.

Experts at Truist will customize and host a virtual seminar for group learning and real-time support.

To participate in a seminar, please fill out the form below to join the waiting list. Once the waiting list reaches five or more participants, a seminar will be scheduled. MiCreate will communicate updates regarding seminar opportunities with wait-list participants regularly. It may take 1-2 months to schedule a seminar. Thank you for your understanding, patience, and interest.

Seminar Sign-Up Form
Have you experienced human trafficking?
Financial knowledge you are seeking: 
Thank you for connecting! Your information is safe with us and held confidentially.
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MiCreate’s range of free legal services and business mentorship is made possible by the dedicated partners who share their time, expertise, and passion with the MiCreate network at no cost. We thank our Financial Knowledge Partner, Truist, for empowering MiCreate creatives with interactive tools, online courses, and custom seminars.

Logo of BB&T financial organization. Red square with white BB&T letters on top. Below the square says Now Truist